Wednesday, 28 May 2014

'FAT: IT'S DELICIOUS' at the Science Gallery

I love cheese, foie gras, lardo di Colonnata, butter and so many other fatty foods that I should probably feel guilty but feck it, they're all delicious!

When I heard the Science Gallery's current exhibition was about 'the good, the bad and the beauty of fat' I just had to visit it.

The exhibition is divided into four different categories: starters, mains, buffet and desserts. No, it's not about eating food this time but getting a little cultured.

The starters are basically tests you can take part in, like getting your waist circumference measured, having your blood pressure taken or finding out about your BMI and body fat percentage.

The other 'mains' include more tests and also the possibility of trying on a bariatric training suit.

The 'buffet' part of the exhibition was probably my favourite part with the installation of Michelin- starred chef Kevin Thornton: pig fat marinating in Poitín which will be tasted at the end of the exhibition.

Do you remember human soap in the movie Fight Club? Well, Miami-based artist Orestes De La Paz made soap using the fat from a liposuction he went through and you can wash your hands with it in the Science Gallery.

There also more fat-themed artworks on display...

Finally, the 'desserts' can be found upstairs where you can attend interactive demonstrations.

The exhibition will be in the Science Gallery until the 29th of June. If you're into food, you should check out the 'Tuesday Night Bites', a weekly event including talks, workshops and tastings with people from the food industry and scientists.

Science Gallery
The Naughton Institute, 
Pearse Street, 
Trinity College, Dublin 2